Georgia's Agricultural Education is composed of over 65,000 Agricultural Education students. Georgia Agricultural Education is dedicated to providing quality agricultural education resources and education to each student for Curriculum resources and SAE Development.

The Georgia Agricultural Education Program is composed of three integral components:
Classroom instruction
Supervised agricultural experience (SAE)
Student organization (FFA)
Educational Games Online
These games are designed to be used by Ag Ed students to help review and learn different Agriculture topics. Please email csteinkamp@gaaged.org with suggestions for changes or corrections on any games.
**These games use Flash. These games work best on the following browsers: Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox and/or Safari.**
Students enrolled in Georgia Agricultural Education have many SAE opportunities. One of the SAE opportunities available to Georgia Agricultural Education students is raising and exhibiting livestock. Georgia FFA members exhibit more than 2,000 head of livestock in junior livestock shows across the state & nationally each year.
Program Information
Click here to learn more about Georgia Agricultural Education program information including Georgia Agricultural Education teacher standards, Agricultural Education Policy & Standards, Facilities & Equipment, Georgia Ag Ed Annual Reports & Food Processing Centers.
Supervised Agricultural Experiences (SAE)
Students learn by doing with the SAE. Agricultural Education teachers assist students in developing an SAE project based on their interests.
Teach Ag in Georgia
Georgia has more than 530 agricultural education teachers in Georgia, but each year the demand outreaches our supply. Georgia has more than 380 chapters with more adding each year. We need qualified teachers in Georgia to teach our students Agricultural Education!