General FFA Information
These value statements were created by the National FFA Board of Directors in 2021 and adopted by the delegates at the 94th National FFA Convention in October 2021.
- We respect and embrace every individual's culture and experience.
- We welcome every individual's contribution to advance our communities and the industry of agriculture.
- We cultivate an environment that allows every individual to recognize and explore their differences.
- We create leadership opportunities for every individual to enhance their personal and professional endeavors.
Georgia FFA Membership
Georgia FFA is the 3rd largest state association with more than 80,000 members. There are 391 chapters and nearly 600 agricultural education teachers in Georgia.
Includes applications for State and Area Officers, Chapter Awards, Degrees, Livestock Awards, SAE Awards, and Scholarships.
Area, State & National Officers
Georgia FFA Members have the opportunity to serve in many leadership positions on the chapter, area, state & national level. Please check the "Applications" link for information on how to get elected. Click the above link to meet Georgia's Area, State & National Officers from Georgia.
Award Programs
Includes information for Agriscience Fair, Honorary American Degrees, Honorary State Degrees, Middle School Record Books, National Chapter Awards, National FFA Week Observance Awards, Proficiency Awards and Star awards.
The primary goal of Georgia FFA Association award programs is to develop individual responsibilities, foster teamwork and promote communication while recognizing the value of ethical competition and the value of individual achievement. The role of these events and award programs is to motivate students and encourage leadership, personal growth, citizenship and career development.
Career & Leadership Development Events (CDE/LDE)

Career opportunities abound within today’s agriculture industry. CDEs & LDEs help students develop the abilities to think critically, communicate clearly and perform effectively in a competitive job market.
Georgia FFA members have the opportunity to participate in CDEs & LDEs ranging from floral design to dairy cattle evaluation. Some events allow students to compete as individuals, while others allow them to compete in teams. |
Chapter Toolbox

Includes resources for the following:
Sample constitution and by laws
Historical Documents
Program of activities
News releases
Georgia FFA Magazines
Download and view copies of "Georgia FFA News," the insert in the New Horizons magazine all about Georgia FFA.
Photo Gallery
Visit the Photo Gallery to download images from various events.